Monday, August 22, 2011

If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that nothing is easy. Full-time job or full-time class load, each has its benefits and challenges.

During the school year, I would stay up late and chat online with my brother (working in Beijing, 12 hours ahead) while he was at work. We would always argue about whose life is harder. I’d complain about how he could go home and relax at the end of the day—about how he never had to stay up till 3-4AM to study for exams or write papers. He’d tell me about how exhausted he feels at the end of each day and how stressful work can be when the economy is fluctuating. While, there are times at Northwestern when I feel tired, unhealthy, and completely overwhelmed, I am still eternally grateful that I am still a student. Maybe, I feel that a full-time job is more difficult because of all the responsibilities that come along with it. In 2 years time, I’ll be hopefully employed and as I like to say, “a real person.” I’ll need to worry about bills, rent, cooking, etc. On top of that, I’ll need to work hard to keep my job and hopefully move up in the business world. When it comes to a full-time job, it’s not just poor grades or disappointed parents if you accidentally mess up an exam or falter, it’s your livelihood.

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