Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 6

Since as long as I can remember, I've constantly changed my mind about my future career choice. Back in the day, my choices ranged from doctor to President. Last week, Julie reminded us to consider our non-negotiables for our first job out of college, so here are some of mine...

Non-negotiable #1: City
Non-negotiable #2. Exposure
Non-negotiable #3. Energy and Community

I'd like to live in or near a city. While this does not necessarily mean I'll only take jobs in NYC, I do wish to live somewhere where, for instance, everything is not closed by 9PM. Secondly and most importantly, I'd like my first job to provide opportunities for exposure-to new ideas, people, industries, and companies. I am convinced that I will not know what I truly want to do unless I try it. This could mean I work for a large corporation with many branches across different industries and products, or I work for a smaller company that frequently works with different clients and businesses. Lastly, non-negotiable #3 pertains to the culture of my future workplace. I'd like to work with high-energy people, who not only work together but also play together. Moreover, I hope to enter a company with a "class" of new graduates, so that I may grow and learn with my peers.

These are a few things on my wishlist. Keeping these non-negotiables in mind, hopefully I can approach the impending internship/job searches with more focus and less uncertainty.

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