Friday, August 26, 2011

I have always taken pride in my Sunday ritual during the school year. I wake up around 9 or 10, get bagels and coffee, then hit the library. Up until now, I had considered it an accomplishment to be able to sit in a chair for 6+ hours. When preparing for a test or a paper, I could even make it to 10-12 hours in the library. However, I always found myself sprinting out of the library when it was time to go. I found cubicles too enclosed, staring at neutral colors boring, waking up before 8 unheard of, and remembering to pack a lunch impossible.

Naturally, I was a bit nervous to take on my first real "desk job." Working at Heathrow Scientific has been a delightfully pleasant surprise. I discovered that having cubicle buddies is rather enjoyable, having an unlimited, free coffee supply keeps me perky, and having time to cook a nice meal or watch a movie at the end of the day does great things for my happiness. Most of all, I have really appreciated the conversations I have had with the people I work with. As Sarah mentioned, the grass is always greener on the the other side. Though I find some truth to this statement, working at Heathrow this summer has eliminated much of what I found daunting about the "real world," making both sides a little closer to being equally green.

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