Each of our CEO's and our CFO have shared their unique story during the Lunch and Learns.
What surprised you most about these leaders paths to the top?
Do you think you would want their job?
Looking forward to your perspective on the ups and downs of holding the TOP JOBS!
I really enjoyed hearing from Jude, Rick and Mike who have all clearly grown up from different backgrounds and followed unique career paths to get to where they are now. However, all shared the same sense of leadership as well as an element of risk, taking both 'professional' and 'life' chances (whether that be changing jobs, moving, having kids) that could have easily steered them off track, and yet all of three of them seem to have found positions they are proud of and that challenge them.
ReplyDeleteWhat surprised me most was the number of different jobs, especially for Mike and Jude, these leaders had prior to their current positions. As someone who has already participated in 4 internships and still unsure of her 'perfect job,' it's nice to hear that others also dive into multiple careers throughout their lives. I would like to one day understand the complete workings of a company (not just the creative, but also analytic sides) and be able to take complete ownership of projects as they all have successfully done.
I also really enjoyed the time spent learning about the lives of Mike, Rick, and Jude. It was really interesting to hear how they ended up where they are today. They all have such different backgrounds, yet seemed to emphasize a few main things. I was surprised to hear how many different positions they had held before landing here, and how none of these leaders are really in a field/position they originally anticipated. I think it would be an amazing opportunity to have a major leadership role and I hope to eventually reach that level one day. First, though, I would like to find my passion and gain experience with any opportunities that I can.
ReplyDeleteMy main takeaways from their talks are:
1. Network, Network, Network - It's amazing to hear real-life "success" stories of networking. Whether it is your friend's boss, a recruiter, or a colleague you once worked with, it never helps to take the time to meet with someone or ask around for opportunities when you need help.
2. Take risks - Each of our leaders seemed to take some sort of risk, or several, throughout the years. I think this is important because taking risks can lead to great opportunities. Sure, moving across the country or switching into a different career field can be scary, but it will most likely open up doors you never thought were possible or never considered before.
3. It's okay if I'm not doing what I thought I would be doing - This was a relief. Although I am very passionate about health and health promotion, I'm scared that my job search will lead me elsewhere or I will no longer be interested in it. However, Rick, Jude, and Mike were all in the same position at some point in their lives. What you studied in school may not end up being what you're passionate about, and that's okay.
4. Do what makes you happy and take advantage of opportunities - Find a career that makes you happy. Sure, this may take many years and experiences in many different positions, but that is the journey. Seize opportunities, who knows where they will lead you to.
All in all, listening to each of these leaders has taught me that while job hunting can be scary and stressful at times, it will all work out in the end. There is no need to stress out if I am not working in my anticipated field or "ideal role," because I will eventually find my niche.
I'm sad I missed Jude's talk last week, yet I still gained some great insight from the previous two chiefs. As it's been previously said, networking was expressed not only as an essential tool, but one that never falls out of use. Consistent networking and acquaintances kept them consistently progressing in their careers.
ReplyDeleteI was also surprised at how well their career paths worked out. They definitely encouraged us to take risks, but it's easy for people who risk successfully to say so. Intelligent risk taking was the key there, as by definition, these kind of situations can easily go awry. They both made their success sound rather natural.
I do wonder what it is that sets these guys apart from others, as I'm sure many people approach their careers in a similar manner and fail to end up in as good of a position. From these weeks of lunch and learns, it seems like a superior work ethic and willingness to volunteer for difficult tasks are just a couple of those keys.
If you asked me two years ago if I wanted to become CEO of a (fashion) company, without a moment's hesitation I would've said "Yes. What do you think I'm in college for?" Yet, after hearing the 3 leaders' paths to success and how a combination of hard work, networking, and good-timing played a major role in their stories, I realize that the path to where I want to be in 10 years will most likely take many turns and I might not even end up where I wanted to be originally because there are a lot of unpredictable variables at play. While Mike, Rick, and Jude are highly motivated people, I don't think they ever said "In 10 years, I'm going to be a top executive at the Fairway Family." They probably didn't even know Fairway existed, except Rick, maybe. But because of their commitment to be high-impact players wherever they worked, strings of networks called on them to take on larger roles and challenges that paved the way to their current CFO or CEO positions. My takeaway from the three leaders is that variables are hard to control, but if I strive to be a high impact member and remain aware of who I am and what I want throughout my path, then these unpredictable, what I once thought were dreadful, variables will almost always work in my favor.
ReplyDeleteIn listening to the stories of each of the “chiefs”, I was surprised to hear about how many different kinds of jobs and fields they had been in prior to where they are today. From hospitals/medicine to law school to marketing (and many that I’m forgetting), it was interesting to me that none of their paths were particularly straightforward or even logical at times. As a rising senior with no particular career path in mind, these stories are reassuring. At this point in my life, I could see myself in a number of different fields and jobs, and I’m okay with that. Sometimes it’s hard not to have a specific focus or game plan when it seems like so many other people do, but ultimately I think it gives me freedom to explore and figure it out. There is often a lot of pressure on us as students to figure out who we want to be, what we want to do, and how we want to do it right away. I don’t think it’s necessary, or even practical, to have these expectations, especially in light of the career paths we got to hear about. Lacking a specific field or career to pursue doesn’t make me unamibitious or directionless – it opens more doors and challenges me to try new things and be critical and honest about what I enjoy and what I’m skilled at along the way. Why should I limit myself now as a 21-year-old, when I have no idea what I may enjoy or be good at by the time I’m 35? Their experiences reinforced the fact that no matter how set you are in something, you never know what may come along to change it.
ReplyDeleteAfter listening to the three chiefs and learning about their stories, I was very surprised to learn about the variety of their job paths. It was really reassuring to hear about the ups and downs of their previous jobs, knowing that they each ended up with a job that they love. The most interesting part for me was hearing about the different types of jobs that Rick, Jude and Mike had before entering into their current jobs such as from practicing law to selling children's toys. My biggest takeaway from these lunch and learns was that nothing is set in stone. Career paths are fluid; my first job will almost definitely not be my last. This realization really excites me because it means that I can explore lots of different industries! I loved hearing everyone's stories and look forward to exploring my own story.